Alison Alice Ayer

General Information

Occupation: Architect

Birth Country: Canada

Archive/Repository: IAWA, Special Collections Newman Library, Ms88-122

Sources: Biographical sketch found in the IAWA's Blanche Lemco van Ginkle collection.


No specialties on record


Employer: Mathers and Haldenby, Architects

City: Toronto

State: Maryland

Country: United States

Notes: Worked on the Woodgreen Community Center, the design an dworking drawings for the new Mathers and Haldenby Building, St Mary St., worked on drawings for new office

Employer: Gordon S. Adamson, Architect

City: Toronto

State: Maryland

Country: United States

Notes: Residential design work

Employer: Paul Lapointe, Archtiect

Title: Part time

City: Montreal

State: Maryland

Country: United States

Notes: Alison worked on the Seamen's Union Motel, Blue Bonnets Club House and a Residence for Hal Banks etc.

Employer: Page and Steel

City: Toronto

State: Maryland

Country: United States

Notes: ALison worked part time for Page and Steel as well as with Sproatt and Rolph during this time.

Employer: Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

Title: Secretary of the Historic Buildings Committee

City: Toronto

State: Maryland

Country: United States

Notes: Alison worked on full time research projects with the Committee and with Ontario Heritage.

Employer: An engineering firm

Title: Part time drafting

City: Larchmont

State: Maryland

Country: United States

Notes: Job obtained through Childs Agency

Employer: Office of Geoffrey Lawford, AIA

City: Larchmont

State: Maryland

Country: United States

Notes: Alison did restoration work on Columbus Circle, Maine Monument and other areas of Central Park.

Employer: WIlliam O'Neil, AIA

Title: Designer, Project Manager

City: Silver Spring

State: Maryland

Country: United States

Notes: Alison worked on warehouses and shopping centres.


No collaborators on record


No apprenticeships on record


No awards on record


No exhibitions on record

Notable Projects

Title: Restoration work on a 1890's Apartment Building

City: Washington

State: District of Columbia

Country: United States


Institution: University of Toronto

Department: Architecture

Degree: Bachelor of Architecture

Institution: Columbia University

Department: Restoration and Preservation Architecture

Degree: Master of Science


License: Registered Architect

Organization: Ontario Association of Architects

Professional Affiliations

Organization: Friends of Old City Hall

Role: Co-Chairman

Notes: Alison was also a full time volunteer with James Acland at this time.

Publications By

No publications by on record

Publications About

No publications about on record