Aniko Maria Gazda

General Information

Occupation: Architect

Date of Birth: January 01, 1933

Date of Death: January 01, 1990

Birth Country: Hungary

Resident City: Budapest

Resident Country: Hungary

Notes: based on her research at the National Heritage Conservation and Design Office, Gazda was commissioned in 1980 to complete an architectural evaluation of all Hungarian settlements. While photographing and documenting buildings in every Hungarian settlement, Gazda developed a special interest in synagogues and Jewish culture.

Archive/Repository: Photo Archive of KOH (The Ministry of Cultural Heritage)



Subject: Documentation of Folk Architectural Monuments


Employer: Nograd Country Planning Office

Title: Architect

Country: Hungary

End Date: January 01, 1961

Employer: LAKOTERV (The Residential Building Design Office)

Title: Architect

Country: Hungary

Employer: VATI (Urban Designing/Development and Research Institute)

Title: Architect

Country: Hungary

End Date: January 01, 1990

Notes: Gazda spent time working in the National Heritage Conservation and Design Office where she researched folk architectural monuments

Employer: Construction Company of the Second District

Title: Architect

City: Budapest

Country: Hungary



No apprenticeships on record



Title: Rebuilding: Hungarian synagogues, prayer houses, prayer rooms 1980-1987

Description: an exhibition of selected photographs by Dr Aniko Gazda

Notes: organized by the Open Society Archives

Notable Projects

Country: delete


Institution: University of Technology and Engineering

Department: Urban Development


No licenses on record

Professional Affiliations

No affiliations on record

Publications By

Title: Synagogues in Hungary

Co-author: Laszlo Gero (ed.)

Date Published: January 01, 1989

Title: Synagogues and Jewish communities in Hungary: maps, sketches, data

Publisher: the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Judaism Research Group

Title: Responsibility for our historic values: village architecture and ways of its preservation

Co-author: Milijenka Fischer, Darja Radovic, Andrej Zmegac (eds)

Publication: International Meeting and Workshop, Architectural heritage in the Countryside

Page: 72-75

Date Published: January 01, 1991

Publications About

No publications about on record