Lena Landin Lorentzen

General Information

Occupation: Industrial Designer

Date of Birth: January 01, 1962

Birth Country: Sweden

Resident Country: Sweden

Notes: Lorentzen's work as a nursing assistant on a rheumatic ward inspired a design career in health care products for staff and patients

Sources: http://www.unicum.se/ ; Doering, Erika, Rachel Sivitzky, and Rebecca Welz. Goddess in the Details: Product Design by Women: an Exhibition Organized by the Association of Women Industrial Designers and the Department of Exhibitions At Pratt Institute. New York City: Association of Women Industrial Designers, 1994.


Subject: Health Care Products


Employer: Unicum, Nordic Design for All Centre

Title: Founder and Development Manager


No collaborators on record


No apprenticeships on record


No awards on record


No exhibitions on record

Notable Projects

Title: The Shell

Description: a basin designed to disnify the process of washing the hair of the bedridden

Title: The Full Core Biopsy Gun

Description: operates more efficiently than its predecessor, one handed operation, noise-reducing


Institution: National College of Art, Craft, and Design in Sweden

Department: Industrial Design

Start Date: January 01, 1984


No licenses on record

Professional Affiliations

No affiliations on record

Publications By

No publications by on record

Publications About

Title: New design for health care

Author: Kerstin Wickman

Publication: Form [Sweden]

Volume: 88

Issue: 683 suppl.

Page: 60-61&104

Notes: Discusses the work of Lena Lorentzen, a designer who specialises in healthcare design.

Title: Goddess in the Details: product design by women

Author: Erika Doering, Rachel Sivitzky, Rebecca Welz

Publisher: Association of Women Industrial Designers (AWID)

City: New York City

Date Published: January 01, 1994

Notes: published in conjunction with an exhibition organized by The Association of Women Industrial Designers and the Department of Exhibitions at Pratt Institute