**Required fields are in red**

Basic Information

Country in which a person was born. Please look at the countries that have already been entered and be consistent with those names if possible.
State or province in which a person was born.
Country in which a person currently lives. Please look at the countries that have already been entered and be consistent with those names if possible.
State or Province this person resides or last resided in.


**Required fields are in red**

Jobs Held

State or Province as listed in address of institution or organization.
Country portion of address for institution or organization.

State or Province as listed in address of institution or organization.
Country portion of address for institution or organization.

State or Province as listed in address of institution or organization.
Country portion of address for institution or organization.


State or province portion of collaborator's address.
Country portion of collaborator's address


State or province in which the institution is located.
Country in which the institution is located.
**Required fields are in red**



State or Province portion of street address at which exhibition was held.
Country portion of street address at which exhibition was held.

Notable Projects

State or Province portion of street address of project.
Country portion of street address of project.
**Required fields are in red**


**Required fields are in red**


Professional Affiliations

**Required fields are in red**

Publications By

State or Province in which the work was written or published.
Country in which the work was written or published.

Publications About

State or Province in which work was written or published..
Country in which work was written or published.


Please be sure you have entered any and all information for this person. After submitting, you will not be able to go back to previous screens to enter or correct data.

After you submit a correction, it will be held for review. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the IAWA Archivist.